Malaysia is a top plastic surgery destination


Malaysia is known for being one of the popular destinations for medical tourism, including plastic surgery. The country has a large number of well-equipped medical facilities, highly trained plastic surgeons, and affordable prices compared to its other neighboring countries.

Popular plastic surgery procedures performed in Malaysia include:


  • Breast augmentation and reduction


Breast augmentation involves the use of silicone or saline implants to increase the size, shape, and fullness of the breasts. This procedure is often chosen by women who are unhappy with the natural shape or size of their breasts, or who have experienced changes in breast size and shape after pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. Breast augmentation is also an option for women who have undergone breast cancer surgery, such as a mastectomy or lumpectomy, to restore the appearance of their breasts. This type of procedure is often referred to as reconstruction surgery.


Breast reduction, on the other hand, involves removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to reduce the size of the breasts and alleviate symptoms such as neck, back, and shoulder pain, skin irritation, and difficulty exercising or finding comfortable clothing.


  • Liposuction


Liposuction is an effective way to remove stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, and neck. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves making small incisions in the targeted area, through which a thin tube (cannula) is inserted to suction out the excess fat. Liposuction is ideal for people who are close to their ideal body weight but have localized areas of fat that they would like to address.


  • Rhinoplasty (nose job)


Rhinoplasty is done to change the shape, proportion, or size of the nose to improve the appearance of the nose, correct breathing problems, or both. Rhinoplasty can also be performed to repair damage to the nose that has occurred as a result of injury or congenital defects. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves making incisions inside the nostrils or on the columella (the strip of tissue between the nostrils) to access the underlying structures of the nose. The surgeon then reshapes the bones and cartilage to achieve the desired results.


  • Facelift


Also known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift is performed to improve the appearance of the face and neck. The procedure is typically performed to address the signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. Facelift surgery typically involves making incisions in the hairline, around the ears, or both, in order to access the underlying structures of the face and neck. The surgeon then tightens the underlying muscles, removes excess skin, and repositions the remaining skin to achieve a more youthful, refreshed appearance. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes several hours to complete. Recovery from a facelift typically takes several days to a week, during which time the patient may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort.


  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)


A tummy tuck is performed to tighten and tone the abdominal area. The procedure is typically performed to address issues such as loose or sagging skin, excess fat deposits, and weakened abdominal muscles that can occur as a result of weight changes, pregnancy, or aging. A tummy tuck surgery typically involves making an incision in the lower abdomen, from hip to hip, in order to access the underlying structures of the abdomen. The surgeon then removes excess fat and skin, tightens the abdominal muscles, and repositions the remaining skin to create a more toned and youthful appearance. Recovery from a tummy tuck typically takes several days to a week.


  • Eyelid surgery


Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is typically performed on the eyelids to address issues such as drooping or sagging skin, puffiness, and wrinkles that can occur as a result of aging, genetics, or lifestyle factors. Eyelid surgery typically involves making incisions in the natural creases of the eyelids in order to access the underlying structures. The surgeon then removes excess skin, fat, and muscle in order to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. The procedure is a relatively minor one and is done under local anesthesia or light sedation and takes several hours to complete.


Advantages of doing plastic surgery in Malaysia


Patients who travel to Malaysia for plastic surgery often choose to combine their medical treatment with a holiday, as the country offers a rich cultural experience, beautiful landscapes, and a tropical climate. If there is a procedure in mind and you are contemplating whether to have it done in Malaysia or not, here are some FAQs that may address your concerns:


  • How much is plastic surgery in Malaysia?


Plastic surgery in Malaysia is significantly less expensive than in many other countries, making it an attractive option for people who are looking for affordable cosmetic procedures. Malaysia is usually a top choice for patients from the US, the UK, and Australia.


  • How is the quality of medical care in Malaysia?


Despite the affordable cost of plastic surgery in Malaysia, the country offers high-quality medical care, with many well-trained and experienced cosmetic surgeons and modern, well-equipped clinics and hospitals. The medical community in Malaysia places a strong emphasis on patient safety and comfort, ensuring that patients receive high-quality care throughout the entire process, from consultation to post-operative care. Many plastic surgery clinics in Malaysia are equipped with the latest technology and equipment, allowing for safe, effective, and efficient procedures.


  • Is medical tourism regulated in Malaysia?


Malaysia is a member of the Asia Medical Travel Council (AMTRAC) which collaborates with Asian medical ventures associations in promoting medical tourism in the countries. The Malaysian Ministry of Health also oversees medical tourism through its Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) which was established to develop medical tourism in the country.


  • What languages can the doctors and staff speak?


Our plastic surgeons and clinic staff are fluent in multiple languages, including English, making it easier for international patients to communicate and feel comfortable during their stay.


On top of the above, Malaysia is a popular tourist destination, making it a convenient location for people who wish to combine their plastic surgery with a holiday. In conclusion, Plastic Surgery Malaysia can be a good option for those considering plastic surgery. As with any medical procedure, it is important to thoroughly research the qualifications, experience, and reputation of the plastic surgeon, as well as the facilities and aftercare available, before undergoing any procedure.