Are you considering a facelift (rhytidectomy) to turn back the clock and regain a youthful appearance? There are different facelift techniques, so it’s important to know your choices before deciding. With new methods, there are various ways to do a facelift to fit each patient’s needs.

1. Traditional Facelift (SMAS Facelift)

This facelift is for moderate to severe sagging. It involves lifting underlying tissues and tightening the SMAS for a natural and noticeable transformation in the lower face and neck.

2. Mini Facelift (S-Lift)

Great for mild to moderate sagging, this targets specific areas like the jowls and lower face. With smaller incisions and less downtime, it offers subtle enhancements and improved facial contours.

3. Mid-Facelift

This lift focuses on the middle of the face, dealing with sagging cheeks and lines around the nose and mouth. By repositioning tissue and fat, it brings back a youthful volume and appearance.

4. Thread Lift

For a non-surgical option, a thread lift uses dissolvable threads to lift and tighten skin. It gives immediate results, with improved effects over time as collagen forms around the threads. It’s ideal for mild to moderate sagging and offers a less invasive option.

Ready to Learn More?

To discover personalized solutions for your aesthetic goals, schedule a consultation at Beverly Wilshire. Our team is dedicated to providing you with accurate information and comprehensive options, ensuring your journey towards confidence and beauty is well-informed and successful.