
Cosmetic Surgery

Hair Restoration

By Cosmetic Surgery

Hair Restoration

Recommended for

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  • Hair
  • Beard
  • Moustache & Goatee
  • Sideburn
  • Eyebrow

What is Hair Restoration?

Restore your confidence with Beverly Wilshire’s Hair Transplant Treatment.

Restore your hair with BEVERLY FUE technique in just 1 treatment, Permanently.

  • Restore Thinning and Balding Hair
  • Regrow Healthier, Thicker Hair
  • Instantly Look Years Younger
  • World-Class Hair Transplant Specialist
  • Fully Equipped Treatment Rooms & Facilities
  • State-Of-The-Art Technology & Techniques 
What is Hair Restoration Cost?
The hair transplant cost is at RM5,000-RM30,000.



Super Punch

A technique where we use the finest needle manufactured for FUE Hair Transplant.

Trademark & Patended

our BEVERLY FUE technique is only exclusive to Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre.



100 grafts per cm squared

Grafts are planted very close together to provide a natural look and long-lasting results.


Follicle Survival Rate

With BEVERLY FUE technique you can achieve permanent results in only 1 treatment*.

*results will vary from patients to patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

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      By Cosmetic Surgery


      Recommended for

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      • Arm
      • Abdomen
      • Flank
      • Back
      • Buttock
      • Hip
      • Thigh
      • Calf
      • Knee

      What is Liposuction?

      Liposuction has become one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures in the world because it is a safe and effective way to remove stubborn fat from your body.

      Liposuction is performed through small, inconspicuous incisions. First, sterile liquid solution is injected into the area where the fat is to be removed. Then a thin hollow tube, or cannula, is inserted through these incisions. The dislodged fat is then suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula.

      Here at Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre, our surgeons not only help people to achieve their aesthetic goals, benefiting them physically, but we also emphasise the positive mental aspect afterwards, when you are able to experience a better-than-before lifestyle.

      The Cost of Liposuction

      The cost of this procedure is at RM9,000- RM19,000.

      How Liposuction Help?


      Contour your body

      Liposuction surgery costs vary according to single or combined surgeries. With liposuction, we can contour your body by removing excess fat during surgery. Excess fat cells are sucked out from your body to help you regain a trimmer and younger look.

      Reduced ability for fat production.

      The fat cells that are removed with liposuction will not return, so the areas contoured have a reduced ability for fat production. No more love handles or beer belly to hinder your lifestyle, clothes fit better and self-confidence boosted.



      Slim and reshape specific areas

      Liposuction surgery helps you slim and reshape specific areas of the body where localised fat deposited at the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, waist, upper arms, back, inner knee or calves can be eliminated together or separately.

      Frequently Asked Questions

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          Tummy Tuck

          By Cosmetic Surgery

          Tummy Tuck

          The name holds no secrets. A Tummy Tuck (or Abdominoplasty, for its clinical name) is exactly that: a surgical procedure which aims the removal of excess fat and loose, hanging skin, tucking it back together. It also restores weakened or separated muscles, tightening your abdominal profile for a smoother and firmer waistline contour.

          What is Tummy Tuck?

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          Despite good health and a reasonable level of fitness, some people may still have a body with disproportionate contours due to localized fat deposits. These areas may be due to family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness.

          We are able to improve your body contours and proportion by removing excess fat deposits or by injecting your own fat into desired areas, ultimately enhancing your self-image.

          Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, the surgery addresses problems of excess fat and skin and is extremely beneficial for those having abdominal laxity. This procedure can help rectify a very saggy abdomen where our surgeon can make it smooth, flat and strong.

          The cost of tummy tuck is at RM 21,000- RM35,500.

          Nose Procedures


          Rhinoplasty (Cartilage or Implant)

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo

          Alarplasty (Nostril Reduction)

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          Fat Transfer (Nose & Nasolabial Folds)

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo

          All Arm, Buttock & Thigh Procedures

          Very thin patients who don’t have enough fat for fat transfers are good candidates for implants.
          Also known as autologous fat transfer, this is a process where injectable fat is collected via liposuction from your own body, such as abdomen or thighs, and then injected into buttocks. The use of one’s own fat as a filler can be advantageous because there is no chance of an allergic reaction.
          If fitness efforts have not helped you for a firmer and proportional body, a body lift might be right for you. The surgical procedure reduces excess skin and fat for a smoother and better-proportioned body contours.
          Liposuction is performed through small, inconspicuous incisions. First, sterile liquid solution is injected into the area where the fat is to be removed. Then a thin hollow tube, or cannula, is inserted through these incisions The dislodged fat is then suctioned out of the body using a surgical vacuum or syringe attached to the cannula
          Keloids and hypertrophic scars are often treated by injections to shrink the scar. If injection treatment is inadequate, our surgeon and remove the scar tissue and close the wound so that it heals in a less visible pattern. In the event of contractures or other severe cases, we provide Z-plasty, skin grafting and flap surgery.


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              Breast Augmentation

              By Breast Affairs, Cosmetic Surgery, 未分类

              Breast Augmentation

              The purpose of a breast augmentation surgery is to enhance and to correct various facets of a woman’s breasts. It involves undergoing surgical procedures using implants or fat transfers from the body to increase breast size or breast volume restoration due to aging, pregnancy or weight loss.

              Breast augmentation may also be applied for those desiring reconstruction after mastectomy or injury. This procedure is also a popular solution for those wanting fuller breasts, balanced figure as well as giving your self-image a boost and improved quality of life.

              Our medical centre utilises the FDA-approved (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) silicone gel-filled breast implants and our cosmetic surgeon will assist in guiding you through your options, as implants come in various shapes and sizes.

              Once you’ve decided to pursue breast augmentation in our centre, we’ll put you at ease helping you find the right surgeon, the right implant and the right technique to meet your expectations. With over 30 years of combined surgical experience, our surgeons are nationally and internationally recognized for their excellent contributions in the field of cosmetic surgery. At Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre, we will address all concerns and questions until you are comfortable with your decision and implants that best fit you.

              Recommended for

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              • Those desiring reconstruction after mastectomy or injury.
              • Those wanting fuller breasts, balanced figure.

              Why have Breast Enlargement Operations?

              Every woman is special in her own way and similarly the reasons for having a breast enlargement surgery differs in all. The most common reasons why you may choose to enlarge your breasts include:

              • to enhance the body contour of a woman, who for personal reasons feel that their breasts are too small
              • loss of breast volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding (although enlargement will not lift them)
              • to restore breast shape after partial or total loss of breast for various conditions.
              • a difference in size between your two breasts, hence for symmetry
              • reduced breast size after losing weight
              • to replace existing breast implants for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons

              Breasts implant surgery is contraindicated in women with untreated breast cancer or pre-malignant breast disorders, active infection anywhere in the body, or individuals who are currently pregnant or nursing. Individuals with a weakened immune system (currently receiving chemotherapy or drugs to suppress the immune system), conditions that interfere with blood clotting or wound healing or have reduced blood supply to the breast tissue from prior surgery or radiation therapy treatments may be at higher risk for complications and poor surgical outcomes. A woman must be at least 18 years of age for cosmetic breast augmentation.

              Cost of Breast Augmentation

              The cost of this procedure is at RM28,900-RM33,500.


              Procedural Steps



              Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. The breast augmentation surgery is done under general anesthesia. Your anesthesia will be explained during or after your consultation with the surgeons and also after the results of your pre-operative check.

              The Incision

              Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. You and your plastic surgeon will discuss which incision options are appropriate for your desired outcome. There are 3 main incision options;

              • Inframammary incision
              • Periareolar Incisions
              • Transaxillary (Armpit) Incision



              Implant Choice

              Breast size and shape are important, so be honest and open about your expectations when talking with your surgeon. Implant type and size will be determined not just on your desired increase in size but more importantly on your breast anatomy, skin elasticity and body type.

              Options for Breast Implants:

              • Silicone implants
              • Saline implants

              Inserting and placing the implant.

              After the incision is made, a breast implant is inserted into a pocket either:

              • Under the pectoral muscle (a submuscular placement), or
              • Directly behind the breast tissue, over the pectoral muscle (a submammary/subglandular placement)

              The method for inserting and positioning implants depends on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, your body type, and your surgeon’s



              Closing the incisions

              Incisions are closed with layered sutures in the breast tissue and with sutures, skin adhesive or surgical tape to close the skin. Over time the incision lines will fade.

              See the results

              The results of breast augmentation are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade. Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as you recover and realize the fulfillment of your goal for fuller breasts.


              All Breast & Nipple Procedures

              Also known as mammoplasty, the procedure involves placing an artificial implant either under your breast tissue, or under your chest muscle behind your breast. We use only FDA approved breast implants.

              Hidden and sunken nipples are drawn out with this procedure where the surgeon releases the connecting tissues that are keeping the nipples inverted.

              Overly large breasts can cause some women to have both health and emotional problems. In addition to self image issues, you may also experience physical pain and discomfort. The weight of excess breast tissue can impair your ability to lead an active life. Also known as reduction mammoplasty, this procedure removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts

              A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical process that involves raising the breasts by the removal of excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour. Sometimes when the nipple becomes enlarged over time, a breast lift surgery will address this issue as well, for women with breasts that have lost their youthful shape and firmness due to changes and loss of skin elasticity resulting from pregnancy, breastfeeding, ageing, gravity, etc.


              Therefore, the realignment and reconstruction of the nipple and breast to correct loose breast tissues that are compressed and compacted to produce firm, perky, great-looking breasts can be achieved through our expert surgeons at Beverly Wilshire here in Kuala Lumpur.

              Men with surplus breast tissue generally say that their “man boobs” make them feel embarrassed and have to limit their activities to avoid removing their top or shirt. With a chest reduction surgery, we can create a flatter, firmer chest by removing surplus fat, breast tissue and if necessary, excess skin.
              Removal of suspicious lump or growths in the breast which might or might not be carcinogenic.
              Hidden and sunken nipples are drawn out with this procedure where the surgeon releases the connecting tissues that are keeping the nipples inverted.
              Some women and even men develop excessively long nipples or wide areolas. This could be due to a number of reasons – heredity, pregnancy, or plain bad luck. Surgeons are able to reduce the nipples by literally cutting off the tip, or by removing some skin from the base of the nipple.


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                  By Cosmetic Surgery, Face

                  Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

                  Cosmetic eye surgery is one of the most popular procedures, which is unsurprising as most Asians have monolid eyes and often use make up or eyelid tape to create the illusion of double eyelid. The use of double eyelid tapes and glues simply means you’ll have to remove them every time after use, causing a lot of tugging on your skin, which can cause sagging over time.

                  Recommended for

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                  • You’re born with defects, involved in an accident, or aging has taken its toll on your face.
                  • You can’t help but feeling self-conscious and it’s affecting your self-esteem.
                  • You’ve tried various topical products or non-invasive treatments and yet, results are limited.

                  What is Blepharoplasty?

                  Double eyelid surgery is one of the most popular procedures undertaken in our medical centre, which is unsurprising as most Asians have monolid eyes and often use make up or eyelid tape to create the illusion of double eyelid.

                  Actually, there are several types of cosmetic eye surgery including blepharoplasty, epicanthoplasty, canthoplasty…

                  How are these treatments different from each other?

                  Blepharoplasty for Asians vs Caucasians:

                  • Blepharoplasty for Asians mostly focuses on the upper eyelid, with the addition of the creases, the eyes look bright and alert.
                  • Blepharoplasty for Caucasians focuses on lower eyelids, this may involve removal of excess skin, muscle and/or fat. Lower blepharoplasty is typically done to address eye bags and/or for improving the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.
                  The cost of eyelid surgery
                  The cost of eyelid surgery is at around RM7,550-RM12,300.

                  Methods of Procedure


                  Incision Method

                  Incision method (often called cutting method) is permanent as it involves cutting of skin and removing underlying tissues. The procedure is irreversible and the recovery is slower.

                  Suturing Method (Stitching method)

                  Suturing method (often called stitching method) produces long-lasting results but not permanent. The sutures may break, meaning that the crease might disappear, or the crease height may reduce with age as the skin loses its elasticity. However, the procedure is reversible, and you can get an idea of what you’d look like if you opt for the permanent method. Recovery is faster as well.



                  Lower Eyelid Surgery

                  Typically done to address eye bags and/or for improving the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. The incision can be made on the inside of your lower eyelid (transconjunctival incision) or directly underneath your lash line (subciliary incision).

                  Other Eyelids & Eyebags Procedures

                  Typically done to address eye bags and/or for improving the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. The incision can be made on the inside of your lower eyelid (transconjunctival incision) or directly underneath your lash line (subciliary incision)

                  Epicanthoplasty can elongate the eyes horizontally to make them look big and wide. It releases and corrects an epicanthal or Mongolian fold, which is located either on the inner corner of the eyes. This procedure is often recommended in conjunction with double eyelid surgery for optimal results.

                  Helps to correct downward sloped outer eye corners.

                  Patients with drooping eyelids are not encouraged to go for double eyelid surgery straight away as the result will only further highlight the droop down shape of the eye. They are advised to undergo ptosis correction to rectify the droopiness first before considering other cosmetic eye procedure.


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                      By Cosmetic Surgery, Face


                      Commonly called a “nose job”. For this procedure, our surgeon will assess your facial features and depending on your preferences and desired outcome, recommend the correct implant to use. Alternatively, our surgeon can harvest your own cartilage.

                      Recommended for

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                      • Flared Nostrils

                      What is Rhinoplasty?

                      The purpose of a rhinoplasty surgery is to enhance and to alter the size, shape and angle of your nose and bring it into better proportion with the rest of your face. It can also correct structural problems with the nose that cause chronic congestion and breathing problems.

                      Rhinoplasty surgery may also be applied for those desiring to reshape their nose where our cosmetic surgeon can assist in making your nose larger or smaller, changing your nose angle in relation to your upper lip, alter your nose tip, correct bumps, indentations or other nose defects.

                      Once you’ve decided on rhinoplasty procedure in Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre, we will proceed to engage you on your needs to best shape your nose with the most suitable cosmetic surgeon and depending on the desired result, our surgeon may remove some bone and cartilage or add tissue (harvested cartilage from another part of the body) to enhance the shape of your nose.

                      Our surgeon can address problems such as hook nose, crooked nose, nose size, nasal asymmetry and bulbous tip.

                      The cost of Rhinoplasty is at RM9,550-RM23,500.

                      Other Nose Procedures

                      Alarplasty (Nostril Reduction)

                      Alarplasty addresses the alar region on your nose where the nostrils become rounded from the tip and extending toward the cheek. Unlike rhinoplasty that changes the appearance of your entire nose, alarplasty only changes the width of the nostrils. Our surgeon can assist you to narrow the span of flared nostrils to give your face a more balanced structure.



                      Fat Transfer (Nose & Nasolabial Folds)

                      Fat transfer to the nose can increase height, create definition, and provide illusion of bridge narrowing. The same technique can be used on nasolabial folds to smooth out laugh lines. The procedure uses your own fat.

                      Other Nose, Lip, Chin Procedures

                      Our surgeon can help you to create a pleasing, well-balanced facial contours by moderately reshaping the bone and other structural tissues at your chin, effectively refining facial definition and outline.
                      Also known as laser-assisted lipolysis, Cool Lipo is a laser-based procedure that breaks up and liquefies fat cells for easy removal.
                      Get rid of your double chin by removing excess fat with a chin liposuction.
                      Your own fat can be injected in order to create a longer and more protruded chin.
                      Surgical procedure to remove excess lip tissue and reduce overly large and protruding lips. Incision will be placed on the inside of the lip.
                      Your own fat is a good material for fuller lips because it eliminates the risk of allergic reaction or rejection.


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                          By Cosmetic Surgery, Face


                          Your face represents your identity and some say “Your Face is Your Fortune” and if your face always looks tired, worn out or haggard, it can seriously take a toll on your self-confidence and people’s perception of you!

                          You can address these problems at Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre at the hands of our very skilled surgeon where with a facelift surgery, we can help you to restore a more natural and youthful appearance to your face.

                          This procedure removes or reduces the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of the face caused by age. Our surgeon can help address face issues such as sagging skin, droopy cheeks, neck bands, deep lines and folds. Consult with us for a customized facelift surgery and together we will ensure your total well-being in boosting your personality and allowing you to age more gracefully in the years to come.

                          Recommended for

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                          • Anti-ageing
                          • Sagging face
                          • Droopy cheeks
                          • Deep lines and folds
                          • Neck bands

                          What is Facelift?

                          While issues such as sagging skin, droopy cheeks, neck bands, deep lines and folds are all natural part of aging, individuals who are bothered by these signs may find a facelift to be a good solution. It reduces the visible signs of aging and helps to restore a more youthful appearance. It is a major surgical procedure with long recovery time.

                          What is the Facelift cost?

                          The cost of facelift is at around RM30,700-RM41,500.

                          Other Face Procedures


                          Buccal Fat Removal

                          To reduce the size of round cheeks and give your face pretty curves at the right places, our cosmetic surgeon will remove the buccal fat from inside your mouth that lines the side of your cheeks. What results is a thinner, sculpted face that totally transforms the way you look.

                          Dimple Creation

                          The procedure involves a tiny incision on the inside of your mouth and placement of a small suture between the buccinators muscle and the skin of the cheek. This small little adjustment is typically indistinguishable from a real dimple.



                          Fat Transfer (Temple, Forehead, Glabella, Cheek)

                          Instead of fillers or botolinum toxin injection, fat transfer gives you the advantage of moving your own fat from one area to another, helping to soften the harsh lines caused by the natural ageing process.

                          Other Face, Neck, Ears Procedures

                          To reduce the size of round cheeks and give your face pretty curves at the right places, our cosmetic surgeon will remove the buccal fat from inside your mouth that lines the side of your cheeks. What results is a thinner, sculpted face that totally transforms the way you look.

                          The procedure involves a tiny incision on the inside of your mouth and placement of a small suture between the buccinators muscle and the skin of the cheek. This small little adjustment is typically indistinguishable from a real dimple.

                          Low or sagging eyebrows; deep horizontal lines on forehead; frown lines between eyes and vertical lines across the top of the nose can make you look tired, sad and angry. In this case, a brow lift might be for you. It helps to erase the furrows, tighten your forehead skin and muscles for a younger, refreshed and happier expression.

                          Instead of fillers or botolinum toxin injection, fat transfer gives you the advantage of moving your own fat from one area to another, helping to soften the harsh lines caused by the natural ageing process.

                          Children with protruding ears or other ear deformities are often the brunt of jokes in school and home and grow up with problems in self-esteem and confidence. Otoplasty or ear reconstruction is recommended between the ages of 4-14 to pull the ears back to shape to avoid long-term emotional damage. With the young patient sedated, the surgeon makes a small incision at the back of the ear and removes excess cartilage and skin to provide a sculpted ear.
                          With ageing and lack of ear care, the ears can sometimes droop drastically, creating long, aborigine-like earlobes. In these cases, our surgeon will skilfully remove the drooping flesh at the earlobe, while shaping attractive-looking earlobes to improve your appearance.

                          This is a guide for people who are considering a facelift surgery. We advise that you talk to a plastic surgeon and only use this information as a guide to the procedure. Also known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck. Enhancing your appearance with a facelift If you are bothered by the signs of aging in your face, a facelift may be right for you. Technically known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:

                          1. Sagging in the midface
                          2. Deep creases below the lower eyelids
                          3. Deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
                          4. Fat that has fallen or is displaced
                          5. Loss of muscle tone in the lower face may create jowls
                          6. Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw can make even a person of normal weight appear to have a double chin Rejuvenation procedures typically performed in conjunction with a facelift are brow lift, to correct a sagging or deeply furrowed brow, and eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes.

                          What it won’t do: As a restorative surgery, a facelift does not change your fundamental appearance and cannot stop the aging process. A facelift can only be performed surgically; non-surgical rejuvenation treatments cannot achieve the same results, but may help delay the time at which a facelift becomes appropriate and complement the results of surgery.

                          Removes excess fat from the neck and chin for a slimmer, contoured look.


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                              Liposuction: Get Your Excess Fat Sucked Out

                              By 2022 June, Cosmetic Surgery

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                              An Eye Obsession: All You Need To Know About Cosmetic Eye Surgery

                              By 2022 June, Cosmetic Surgery, Face

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