Breast Implants Thailand, Korea or Malaysia ?

breast implants thailand | Beverly Wilshire Medical

Breast implants are a popular form of cosmetic surgery. Breast implants (also known as “breast augmentation”, “breast enhancement”, or “augmentation”) are used to increase the size of the breasts. 


Breast Augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that can help patients to have the breast size and shape of their choice. It is performed by plastic surgeons, who use various techniques to make the breasts look natural. The technique used depends on the needs of each patient.


If you are considering traveling overseas for breast implant surgery, these 3 countries should be top on your list. Read through this article to get some understanding of the favorite pick of medical tourists to travel to Malaysia, Korea, and Thailand for breast implants. 


Malaysia Should Be The Top on your Go-to List


The reason why you should pick Malaysia for plastic surgery travel destinations is that Medical and dental tourism is growing substantially in Malaysia, with forecasted revenue streams of more than $535 million over the next five years. Many tourists come from Australia and New Zealand for plastic surgery, especially breast implants because it is cost-effective, skilled surgeons, and equipped with world-class healthcare services. The English language is spoken fluently and widely in Malaysia.


What is the Breast Implants Cost in Malaysia?


The average cost you need to pay for breast implants in Australia and New Zealand is AUD $17,500 and NZD $18,550 respectively. You can get the same procedure in Malaysia for an average cost for AUD $9,000 and NZD $10,300. It’s at around RM 28,900 in Malaysian Ringgit. This means you can save up to 67% in breast implant surgery costs in Malaysia.


Korea: Asia’s Most Popular Destination For Plastic Surgery

Breast implant surgery in Korea has become a common practice since they were introduced to the country in the mid-1990s. Korea is no doubt one of the best countries to have your plastic surgery done. However, there are also different factors that you need to know while considering Korea as an option such as the price of breast augmentation in Korea being slightly higher compared to doing it in other places. 


What do the Breast Implants Cost in Korea?


The average price of breast implants in South Korea is USD 10,900, the minimum cost is around $3,000. The price may vary depending on your needs and search for the clinic. But usually, the package includes:

  • The breast implant surgery
  • Plastic surgeon/ specialist’s fee
  • Medications

The special medical insurance, medical tests, accommodation, airport transfer, and language assistance are paid additionally.


Why Consider Breast Implants Thailand?


Thailand is probably the number one destination in the world for breast implants thailand– and for good reason. Its facilities are among the most modern on the planet, with state-of-the-art hospitals equipped with the latest technology. As Thailand is known for it’s a dynamic and welcoming culture, transgender breast augmentation surgery is popular in this country.


However, while Breast Implants Thailand is a common surgery, it is more complex and complicated to perform breast feminization surgery.

There are physical differences to consider when preparing for MTF Breast Augmentation. Because of the complexities, plastic surgeons must helm breast implant procedures. Breast surgeries in Thailand are carried out by plastic surgeons, the end results look almost natural and satisfying.


How Much Can I Save on a Breast Implants Thailand ?

Breast implants in Thailand cost on average AUD $4,000. This can be compared to an average price of AUD $17,500 in Australia. Transgender Breast Augmentation surgery starts from AUD $5,730.



Breast implants are generally safe, but they can post risk if not done properly. The implants may become infected or inflamed, especially if they were implanted in areas where there is a lot of scar tissue. The implants can also be removed, but this may result in a loss of breast size. Breast augmentation may cause the skin surrounding the implant to stretch and sag. This type of sagging is called ptosis. Hence, looking for a qualified provider is key to ensuring your breast surgery is successful.


Risks: There are risks associated with breast implants, including infection and capsular contracture. In addition, if the implants are ruptured, there is a risk of leakage. The silicone implant has been associated with an increased risk of rupture. There are risks associated with breast implants, including infection and capsular contracture. Contact us for more information about breast implants.


Post Breast Implant surgery: The results of breast augmentation surgery are permanent. However, there is no guarantee that the final result will be exactly as desired. You should expect a full recovery from breast augmentation surgery. You may feel sore and bruised for several days after surgery, especially in the first few weeks of recovery. The breasts will be numb for a while after surgery, but most people feel sensation within three to five days. If you are considering breast augmentation and feel that you have unrealistic expectations about the results, it may be best to seek out a second opinion from an experienced plastic surgeon.



Breast implants are a popular form of cosmetic surgery in Malaysia, Korea & Thailand. If you are considering breast implants, it is important to weigh up the pros and cons before and after the surgery to decide which country is the best for you. It is also important to factor in your objective of breast implant to narrow down your search. Many women choose breast implants for a number of reasons including improving their self-image, improving their body image, and gaining back a natural-looking shape. For more information about breast implants and information about traveling overseas, and the different types of breast implants available, please contact us today.

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